Since the breakup of the former Czechoslovakia in 1993, Slovakia have made three appearances at the women’s EuroVolley. In 2003 in Turkey, the Slovakian team finished the competition in 11th place, four years later in Belgium and Luxembourg they were 13th and they achieved the same feat in 2009 in Poland. Czech born coach Miroslav Čada was at the helm of Team Slovakia on each of these three occasions.
Barbora Koseková“I am looking forward to the European Championship, especially since the tournament will take place in our country and in my home town, Bratislava. We hope that we can achieve a good result at EuroVolley; we will do our best to please our fans. I feel that we are growing under our new coach; we played better and better during this year’s European Golden League and this gives us a reason to stay positive before EuroVolley. For many of us it will be the most important tournament in our lives.”
Captain of Slovakia
In 2016, when making their debut in the European League, Slovakia then coached by Marek Rojko made it to the final and won the silver medal after losing to Azerbaijan. Slovakia will participate this year for the fourth time at EuroVolley, and will do so for the first time in 10 years. The team mentored by Italian coach Marco Fenoglio will try to write history and advance for the first time from the pool to the knockout stage. Slovakia will meet in Bratislava’s Ice Stadium Ondrej Nepela Arena the national teams of Russia, Germany, Belarus, Spain and Switzerland.
Marco Fenoglio“To organise such an important tournament as EuroVolley especially on home ground is a great opportunity to show our Volleyball all over Europe. It will be great publicity for Slovakia and our federation can show everywhere our ability to organise such a major event. I think there are two main topics – a sporting and a commercial one. This is a very good chance for Slovakia, because we can improve our team game, as well as the status of the Volleyball in our country."
Head Coach of Slovakia